My Days at Karawaci-Tangerang (4)

A week holiday was over.. now I am at school again. It's been a long and interesting holiday for me. The last three days in Jakarta I spent by going to the church, Mangga Dua, and Kwitang at pasar Senen. Here are the pictures;
@ Gereja Reformed Injili Indonesia (GRII) Karawaci

Pictures with Bapa Sinlae, Arni, Aryani, Monna and Besa Emi.. What a Sunday!!
This kind of insect has made me scared a little bit as I was thinking that it was tomcat.. lol
Taman Anggrek mall- I didn't visit this mall, just passed through on my way to Mangga Dua
In express taxi, on the way home from Mangga Dua- Thank God we didn't get caught by traffic jam!
A long journey on Tuesday (the last day in Karawaci) with the route: karawaci-terminal senen-atrium-kwitang-senen jaya-salemba-terminal senen-karawaci with te'o Dince
at crossing bridge to Atrium
Love this picture!! Te'o captured the best angle!!
At crossing bridge again to Kwitang and Pasar Senen

Pictures with my cousin-Ayu at Salemba
Three beautiful girls; Ayu, Dince and I.. :p
The holiday was finished.. we had to fly back to Kupang.. The pictures at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, at Waiting room 6A (taken by a handsome Uda--a call for padang guy as I forgot to ask his name lol)

On the Flight to Kupang..
above the sky of jakarta to Surabaya
at Sriwijaya bus to waiting room-Juanda airport
above the sky of Surabaya
Two sisters
a mountain-- dunno its name..


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