Liebster Award

 Thanks to Jen for nominating me for the Liebster award...

Jen is my cyber friend.. She loves writing and reading so if you wanna know which books/ novels are worth-reading, just follow her blog to get the updates.. :)

Now lets start...

The Rules

  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves
  • Answer the questions the tagger has set for you
  • Create 11 questions for the people you have tagged to answer
  • Choose 11 people and link them in your post
  • Go to their page and tell them
  • No tag backs

11 Things About Me:
  1. I am a Christian, saved by the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ
  2. I wanna serve God by reaching the lost
  3. I love teaching soooooo much!!!!
  4. My favorite mistake is getting addicted to reading K-Drama synopsis
  5. I like watching Western and Korea's comedy-romantic movie or drama
  6. I 'HATE' Indonesian shop opera or drama
  7. I haven't known how to bike (even though I have practiced several times) 
  8. I love reading Western novels on the issue of culture and religion
  9. I have been in a relationship with a man for almost 4 years but still have no clear destination, whether I will marry him or not
  10. My big obsession is to get my master degree soon and then pursue my doctoral degree in the USA
  11. I am a little bit lavish
The Questions from Jen:

  1. What is your worst childhood memory?--> fell down while running and hurt my chin, now it remains the scar on my chin
  2. Why do you/ why do you not, like homosexuals?---> coz I fear God and I know for what purpose I was created..
  3. Has reading a book ever changed your life? What book and why?--->Always. I Saw Heaven by Roberts Liardon. It makes me realize that my suffering on the earth is just temporary coz my real home is in heaven, my final destination.
  4. If you could be a character in a book you read, who would you be and why?---> Josephine Alibrandi in novel- Looking for Alibrandi. why? she is just too cool..
  5. If someone wrote a book about YOUR life, what would be it's title?---> The Buried Treasures of Haniva Leo's Journey
  6. What was your favourite book as a child and why?---> Detective Conan. I love how the problems get solved and I love Shinichi Kudo.. Frankly speaking, he was my first
  7. Would you rather be good looking or rich? Why?---> Rich.. coz if you are rich you can change your style or performance and become more good looking.
  8. Would you rather spend life in prison, or be executed? Why?---> Executed.. coz I wanna see Jesus soon.. <3
  9. Do you have a nickname? How did you get it? yes.. honey_va. it derives from my first name Haniva. I got it accidentally when the first time I created my email in Yahoo ten years ago.
  10. How would you describe a perfect day when you were young?---> When my dad carried me on his back on the way home from my uncle's house and when my dad taught me how to pray before sleeping. He's been my hero ever..
  11.  Music Video/s or song/s that made you cry?---> I Love You so much by Hillsong

The People I am tagging: 
1. Arystha
2. Obert Engada
3. fera inside
4. Indra Mohan
6. Lislie
7. vfix507
8.Life is good
9. Jack
10. The World Through My Eyes
11. benny leons

My Questions
  1. What is the most impressing moment in your life?
  2. Do you have a favorite name that you really want to attach to your name? what is it?
  3. What was the first crime (the craziest thing that breaks the rule) you did when you were young?
  4. What is your favorite mistake?
  5. Will you fall in love with your best friend? (if you are female and your best friend is male or vise versa)
  6. If there is a thing in this world could ever describe yourself, what would it be?
  7. If you were Kate Middleton, would you still marry Prince William? why?
  8. If you died today, do you think where would you go? why?
  9. When was the first time you rode your bike?
  10. Have you ever got 0 in the lesson when you were in primary school?
  11. Who is your most favorite teacher ever? Why do you like him/her?


  1. I love your answers!! take these Cyber hand claps from your cyber friend Haniva. Clap clap clap:3

    Question.. why do you hate Indonesian drama? The scar on your chin is not visible in your pictures.. ;)

    I love Detective Conan too! It's an anime that challenges minds.. ;D I miss watching it.

    Those books are on my To Read lists thank you!! Take care yourself. Godbless!! mwah X3

    1. Thank u Jen..
      Indonesian drama is not interesting. the story is just hanging around with no clear goal. if I could give score, i will give the worst.
      Ya, my scar is at my chin, not big, just small.. :)

      I'm glad you like those books.

      May I know what Liebster award is?

    2. ah! just like some filipino local dramas so I can relate a little..

      Think of Liebster award as a pass-it-on quasi-autograph note/ chain message. It's merely something bloggers do to make blogging a little more fun. It isn't really a real award. There's another one called Versatile Award. The latter isn't as interesting as Liebster :)

    3. oh I see.. this one I think has much fun.. I like answering questions from others and make my own questions for others.. lol

  2. Thanks for tagging. I'll make the post asap.

    1. Thanks Indra.. looking 4ward to reading your post!! :)


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