Today is the celebration of my sister's faith confirmation at church. It is the time when the pastor ordains the church member to be the mature Christian in spirit. I am not an expert in making up someone nevertheless i'm a girl and i believe that all girls have their natural gift to make up their selves. Finally I dare my self make an experiment to my little sister..
here are the pictures of her before and after making up her face.. if the view is not really clear, hope u just enjoy seeing as i didn't take these pics with high quality camera yet mobile cam... :)
My sister before i made up her |
I did it as a professional one.. LOL
(note: i'm the one standing next to her) |
treng... i've turned the ugly duck to be the beautiful snow white... hahaha :D
Her eyes close..i use natural color coz she is Korean holic that's why i try to keep a natural look
this shoot is the front view... am i successful??
so these pictures tell directly about my activities today beside cooking and teaching at Sunday school..
What a moment!!!
today's lesson is "explore ur natural gift as woman"
see u in my next post..
Stay Blessed,

Haniva |
wow... just see that u have a talent to make over some1.. wkwkwk... i like natural-makeup..
BalasHapuseka, u look very beautiful ^^
BalasHapusLOVE all of u
hahaha... really? but i need more lessons particularly in making the shadow on nose to make it a bit pointed. i didnt apply it to eka's flat nose today..:)
BalasHapushaha... itu snd bs diubah le..
BalasHapusmgkn efek warna hidung yg perlu ditambah cz dy pesek jd hrs ks keliatan.. bwt warna emas campur warna kulitnya dy
she looks demure-- nice work you done on her :3
BalasHapusHi Jen... hahaha, thank you. i just found out that i could make over others.
BalasHapusyes, she is.. she followed all my instructions.. :)