First Letter from Daddy

As Today is Special

My little child,
Today was Monday 12th of December, 2016. It was just a normal day as usual, the very first day of the second week of December. It was full of rain, almost throughout the day. We got a peak of a heavy one here in Waikabubak, Sumba at about 1.00 pm. Well, it’s a rainy season already, so cloud and rain are the essential determinants. You’ll experience such things as you get here.
You know, it never gets easy for human being to face Monday. Monday is quite scary, as people should get back to work after a long weekend (I’ll explain to you latter about what weekend is and how people define and live it, okay!). Luckily, today was a holiday. It’s a Muslim day of celebrating Maulidur Rasul (hmm, Muslim is a religion here, but we are Christian, okay).
So, holiday is literally a time where people do not have to go to work or to school. Holiday means; you don’t work but still you get paid at the end of the month. So there it was, nothing was better than a holiday on Monday. You didn’t need to wake up early. You could stay sleeping, getting lazy, watching movies. You enjoyed pleasures you want for yourself.
Alright, so let me introduce myself first. I am your father. You can call me dad or daddy, whatever you feel better. I myself prefer Dad. I would love to hear you call me so. I am you Dad as literally I am the husband of your Mom. Mom is someone giving birth to you in the next 9 months, okay. Your mom is my wife as I got married to her on 28th of October 2016. So it’s not so long ago. You better show great respect to her, as she is gonna carry, protect, and get you safe inside her before you are ready to come, okay. We’ll come to get to know her better (We’ll both talk about her latter, okay). So, me, your dad and your mom are those responsible to form you, of course by the help of God (Okay, God is the one creating us all, alright! He is the source. We’re gonna talk about Him, no worries). So, call me Dad, okay!
Now, what I wanna share to you is that today was not an ordinary day. It was a very special day. You know why, because this morning your mom called me to tell me that you are there, inside her. She woke me up very early this morning to tell me so. I was very grateful to know it. That’s the best thing ever happening in my life. It means I’m gonna be a father, a Dad, your dad. It always means, God (the One I told you before) put the trust on us; me and your mom to take care and help you grow up. You are the Angel God send for both of us. You are the reason why I fall in love with your Mom 8 years ago. You’re gonna be my sun shining. You are the blood of our blood, the flesh of our flesh, and the bound of our bound. You are definitely us.
God is so amazing to create you. I know that you are on your way, on the process. Be patient, enjoy your process of being, okay. We’re gonna be patient as well to see you. Be a good child inside there okay. How is it inside? Is it warm, do you feel comfy? Can’t wait to hear about it. You there, be good to your mom. Stay close to her. We’re gonna be waiting for you here. It’s a beautiful world outside. But I know you have one as well inside your mom. You’re gonna be prepared for the life with us outside, okay. So please stay alive and happy. I love you so much. We love you. Gonna talk to you again tomorrow, okay.
Hugs and kisses,
Your dad.


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