Letters from Dad (2)

Dec 13th, 2016

My little baby,
How are you? It’s me again, your lovely Dad. It’s 17.32 and the there is still raining outside. Not a heavy one like yesterday, but still it’s raining. Rain is a liquid water or moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops. It is a major component of the water cycle and is responsible for depositing most of the fresh water on the Earth. That’s a physics definition of rain, quite complicated, isn’t it? Well your dad is not so lucky to learn Physics (and Math as well) properly and have a passion on it, so he knows a little bit on this. When you come into being and growing up, you’re gonna have much greater opportunity to love this subject, okay! Trust me my love, this is an amazing subject. It will allow you to learn and know, even experience universe in much much better perspective. When your dad, me, and your mom get older, we’re gonna be sitting down fondly to listen to your theory of physics.
It’s almost 6 pm and I am supposed to get back home from work. I am a bit tired as there were so many things to complete today. People, including your dad and mom are working to meet certain deadlines. Deadlines means; there is a timeline, a certain timeframe set for you to submit your work. That’s a work terminology, okay. When yet get older and have a job, you’ll find this term like your regular breaky in the morning. Your dad is still in the office for what so called professionalism. Professionalism is a term to explain the sense of responsibility of a worker to do his job with his heart. I am trying to do it as a part of my responsibility as a worker and as a man, okay. I hope you’re gonna be a better professional, okay. You need to do your job with your heart, alright! It is through which your character is assessed.
For I am quite tired, I wanna go home and get some rest. But I wanna let you know that I miss you. Knowing that you are there growing up is the best spirit I can expect to do the best in everything I do. I want you to be proud of me, your dad. There is nothing more important than how essential you are for us, me and your mom. Grow up well my kid, I am gonna be there waiting for you. We’re gonna spend time together to define and experience the world. Now, do me a favor, buddy! Keep your self and your mom safe, okay! Please send my regards to the Angel protecting you now. We’re gonna pray to God to keep you safe. Gonna talk to you again tomorrow, okay. Have a good sleep, enjoy your day! Love you so much!
Your loving daddy...


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