Harmony- A Story Behind The Bars of Prison

How often do you cry just because of a movie? If you rarely cry or get touched by a movie, I suggest you to watch "Harmony" a Korean heart-touching movie. This movie is truly heart-melting. I know I am always easily touched by something but not often cry for anything. But this movie has made my heart melt. I love ; the secrets why these -fragile but strong inside-women get into the prison. They all come with their own stories that they just keep for themselves. Their tears, happiness, sorrows and love are locked in their deepest hearts. yup, Secrets make a woman a woman, quoted from 'Detective Conan'. how each inmate (the main characters) reveals her love to each other, how they take care and keep one another. Mutual problems can be such a strong bond! how they sing.... it makes me strongly realize that happiness doesn't depend on your circumstances but from your heart, the way you see life, so even in a prison you can still sing joyfully. to know the...