
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2011

One of My Favorites

Korean drama..yes, that's one thing I'm addicted to.. i think most of women will feel the same once they watch Korean drama. not only because of the cute and handsome actors but the story is very interesting, much more interesting than Indonesian shop operas--which are too long and have no end. I've watched many Korean dramas and movies and have my favorites. "endless love, sorry i love you,Thank you, and Cinderella's step sister" are some of my favorite dramas. recently I've been watching "Pasta" and have fallen in love with its story. it means that i have to search more about this story but last night  i recalled one old drama that ever caught my attention. it's Cinderella step sister. i always remember this drama for two things; the first thing, the male character "ki hoon" who is very fascinating (i love calm characters like him) and the latter (probably it's the main reason i still love this drama) is its soundtrack "

Love & Difference

Lets talk about Love!!! I'm writing this post when i am kinda worried about my sister. what causes me to worry about her is very sensible--she just experienced broken heart... =D It is quite scarce to find this matter coz my sister is the tough one. i know she is sometimes like a robot or machine that has been programmed to live her own world. when i realized that somebody liked her 3 years ago, i was curious about her own feeling whether she liked that boy or not. i made a prediction how long she could stand in her own world and never allow other person (boys) to come in till finally i knew that the rock had been broken. she finally decided to accept the boy's love (the one who has run after her for almost 3 years). I asked her decision and she said that she was unsure and just let it flow while looking at its progress. i know--as her sister--that she also likes that boy. i don't know how much it is but perhaps it's much more than half of her feeling that's wh

Sentuh Hatiku (Touch My Heart)

Gambar sure, this is the only word i could say to express what i feel today. GOD IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!! i started this week with emptiness coz i was absent to Sunday service n felt kinda bad. i didn't really enjoy my day till this morning God has broken all the bad feelings inside me and filled me up till my cup overflew.. :) what has happened with me? 2 days ago i was asked to be an interpreter for a ministry with the team from Singapore. I accepted it as i have committed to be available for ministry. i took a part with the team to the prison coz last ministry i also did the same. i was questioning God whether i was qualified enough to do it or not as i did not feel confident with my self, i mean--the spirit in me was unwell. i was the one who thirsted but i was asked to share the water to others, so i thought that i was not ready. but as a disciple i have to obey. i eventually went there this morning to the prison. and the miracle happened there... I believe I

when the road goes into two directions...

I have nothing to say...all i feel is too complicated. i feel confused and sad at the same time. it's not about love matter yet mainly about friendship and dream.. my best friend-Mawar- and I have been together since we were in junior high school but we did not know each other. we started our friendship when we went to the same senior high school. we got closer when we finally studied in the same faculty in university. we both studied in English study program. we've been together for so long, building our dreams together, sharing our struggle on life, love and dream. i love her as my sister, so does she. few months ago we  applied to be a teacher at the same school. before applying in that school I've applied in another school, it's a Christian senior high school. i just applied as an unemployed while waiting for the answer from God. Mawar and I took the test together. we waited for the answer but i got the answer from the Christian school first. i had the intervi

A Long Journey of A Book

you know how many barriers should i pass just to get a book "walking with God in the classroom"??? here the story goes... I've been very curious to read this book since my sister suggested me to read a year ago. she said that as a teacher to be i had to read. that's why before graduating teacher college i had kept a great desire to get this book. i went to find it in some popular bookstores in Kupang but it was in vain. my sister told me that this book is not available in general bookstores so she told me if i wanted to read, better i downloaded from internet. so, i browsed this book and got its pdf file, however, it was not complete. the pdf file misses some important pages from this book (it's what i thought) and the other crucial reason is that my eyes cant stand to sit before computer for a long time. the next effort i did to get this book was by asking my sister to find as she's studying in Jakarta so i thought it'd be easier for her to get this

I Love Teaching

I recall a definition on teaching from my professor. It says “teaching is to let your student learn”. It’s been such a blessing to realize that i’m already in the field where I always have access to make my student learn.   I don't know for sure but the fact is that i really enjoy the moment i spend with my students.teaching them, laughing with them, listening to their stories, trying to fulfill their curiosity, and all activities with them make me alive. Not only these interesting moments but also whenever they seem to be annoying because they are busy with their activities and do not pay attention to my explanation, i can still feel excited. Sometimes i get angry with them but when i think of my childhood and realize that i ever went through  that moment, i’ll laugh at myself and say “this is what ever you did”... :) I have a nice experience with one of my students. She goes to  primary school grade one. She is 7 years old. She just celebrated her birthday last week. Her name

Cool Prayers

my Angel..Ina MU (one of my friends in Facebook) has tagged me in one of her notes. the note is very cool, it's about the prayers of the kids. The prayers in her note are very honest and sincere. that's the side of kid that i love so much. i think as adults we must learn and adapt their honesty and sincerity. Being honest to God in our prayer is really important coz we can never lie Him. so, here's the note... Children's Prayer A mother was teaching her 3-year-old the Lord's Prayer. For several evenings at bedtime she repeated it after her mother. One night she said she was ready to solo. The mother listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word, right up to the end of the prayer. "Lead us not into temptation," she prayed, "but delivers us some e-mail, Amen." A woman invited some people over for dinner. At the table she turned to her six-year-old daughter and said, "Would you like to say the blessing?" The girl repli

sharing from 1 Peter 2: 11-17

I'm gonna lead the sharing tomorrow and this time we've been already discussing chapter 2 of 1 Peter. I still remember some points in the first chapter of this letter written by apostle peter. This letter was mainly addressed to the gentiles (non-Jews Christian). It is precisely mentioned in 1 peter 2:9-10 “ 2:9 But you [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for possession, so that you might speak of the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 2:10 [you] who then were not a people, but now the people of God, those not pitied [then], but now pitied. ” The expressions “called out of darkness into His (Jesus) marvelous light (the last part of verse 9) and “not people but now the people of God” have established that the reason to be the chosen generation is mainly based on Christ, our faith to Jesus that’s why we--who are not Jews-- can still be the heirs and heiress of God’s promi

the simple thing i found yersterday

I went to traditional market yesterday to find some vegetables and "tempe". i was quite irritated by the small plastic bag when suddenly a little kid came and offered me a red plastic bag (much bigger than the one i was holding). i finally realized that the kid was one of my Sunday school kids at church. in short, i bought the plastic bag from him. when i was on the way home i remembered the last topic we taught in Sunday school and it was about "Characteristic of Christian family". we taught them to be responsible with their family, to help their parents and do all things they can such as helping their parents at home. what I've found from this very little kid who is supposed to spend his holiday with friends, playing and doing things he likes is truly touching! Instead of playing,  he was in the market, selling plastic bag. then i compare myself with him and found that i was doing nothing to help my mom when i was child. this kid has done more than all the th

Like father like daughter

There’s an adage says “like father like son” but in my case it should be “like father like daughter” :p Yesterday was the 15th May 2011, one of the lovely days of my life. Why? Coz it was my dad’s birthday. I used to be the first one who greeted him happy birthday every year and for being the first, i always got a present from him (money) lol... However, thing was different yesterday. i did not greet him first. Maybe one of the reason is that i’m too embarrassed if he finally gives me money for being the first. Hahaha, i’m already 22 going to 23, it would be embarrassing coz what should be is that i give him a present. Actually the main reason is that it was on Sunday and as usual i was almost late to church that’s why i did not greet him as my dad always wakes up earlier.  So this year my sister Monna was the first one who greeted him happy birthday. Forget about who is the first and lets switch to the adage “like father like daughter”. I don't know whether it’s just my assump

to Forget

I've noticed another bad side of me...that is easy to forgive but hard to forget... if someone can easily forgive but still find it hard to forget, can we call it "forgive"? I'm not sure..I'm just too foolish if i say I've forgiven him but still cannot forget what he's done. maybe I'm misleading myself into wrong definition of forgiveness. what i consider the truth is that to forgive means you've already forgot all things done by somebody that hurt you. however, it's not easy as the fact i find today. i say i already forgave yet all memories that he had done and hurt me still cover my mind... pretending as if i had forgot is hurting me :( huff...if our brain is like computer memory, I'll throw all bad memories into recycle bin and then delete them all till it's absolutely empty so that i can have plenty new space for saving good memories about him. i wish i could manage to do it... from another me, Haniva

Martha and Mary (Wednesday Sharing)

This evening we discussed a great topic in Sunday school servant's fellowship. it's about the two famous sisters; Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus. this story is quite popular for our Sunday school kids coz it has a song about this story and the kids love singing the song. I'm not going to teach you its song but wanna share what i and my friends learn from the story in Luke 10: 38-42. it happened when Jesus and his disciples entered into a certain village namely Bethany. there Martha received Him into her house. Martha had a sister called Mary. when Jesus taught, Mary sat at Jesus feet and listened to His Word while Martha chose to be busy with serving. seeing that Mary was only sitting and listening to Jesus and was not caring about serving, Martha came to Jesus and asked Him to tell Mary help her. but Jesus chastened her that she had been careful and troubled about many things but one thing is needful and Mary had chosen that good part which shall not be taken